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A look up at the trails in the afternoon.


Greater Lakes Region Children's Auction

For the 2024-25 season, Gunstock Mountain Resort will once again raffle off one of our coveted V.I.P. Premium Parking Spots near the Historic Lodge in the Lakes Region Disabled Sports Parking Lot, a $999 value! This parking spot is located right next to the snow surface to make the walk to the lifts easy.

VIP Parking Space on map

Through our VIP Parking Spot Raffle, we were able to raise $4,375 on behalf of Team Gunstock for the Community Challenge! 100% of proceeds from this raffle went directly to the Greater Lakes Region Children's Auction. Congratulations to Jean Azoury on winning the 23/24 raffle and enjoying V.I.P. parking all winter long! Thanks to all who bought raffle tickets for this great cause! Get your tickets now for next season's drawing. IT'S FOR THE KIDS!
Purchase Your Raffle Ticket
The winner for the 24/25 winter season will be drawn the morning of December 6th.
Our annual B.Y.O.D.C. Pond Skim event draws lots of participants and a big crowd of spectators! We are pleased to report that the event in 2023 raised $3,800 on behalf of Team Gunstock for the Greater Lakes Region Children's Auction! Thanks to every one of our participants who both made it across the pond, and ended up in the drink-- THE KIDS WIN!! 
Big shout-out to our fabulous staff who worked the annual Gunstock Hillclimb event. All tips made from the beer garden and golf cart rides were pooled and donated to the Greater Lakes Region Children's Auction via Team Gunstock! We're so happy to have raised another $2,067 for this local charity that gives so much back to several community organizations within the Lakes Region.
Our first annual Food Truck Festival was a HUGE hit last summer and we plan to repeat this event on August 25, 2024 with more food trucks, live music, a beer garden, and fun activities for the whole family. Don't miss this event. Proceeds from the dunk tank and cow patty bingo all go to the Greater Lakes Region Children's Auction!