Who owns Gunstock?
Gunstock Mountain Resort is owned by Belknap County, New Hampshire. It is considered a municipal corporation and an agency of Belknap County.
How is Gunstock managed?
Gunstock is managed by a five (5) member commission called the Gunstock Area Commission (GAC). The Commission was established by statute in 1959. The Commission meets monthly to review operations, approve major expenditures, and develops intermediate and long-range plans for upgrades and expansion of the facility. The Commission hires and oversees the General Manager, who manages the day-to-day operations at the mountain.
Does Gunstock provide discounts to Belknap County Residents?
During the winter, Gunstock is pleased to offer residents of Belknap County full-day lift tickets for only $49 for all ages! Belknap County lift tickets are valid every Sunday through Friday during the ski and snowboard season. Saturdays and specific holiday dates are excluded. Belknap County tickets are available for residents regardless of Gunstock's sell-out status on a given day.
To utilize this benefit, residents of Belknap County must visit Gunstock’s Ticket Office the day of intended use and provide a valid driver’s license or non-driver ID card showing a Belknap County address as proof of residence. This is required each time a ticket is purchased. A photo will be taken for each individual's guest record.
Belknap County Days are scheduled during the summer season with discounts in our adventure park, including scenic lift rides.
Does Gunstock cost anything to Belknap County and the Taxpayers?
For over 12 years, Gunstock has not required funding or support from taxpayers.
Does Gunstock share profits with Belknap County?
Yes, Gunstock contributes a percentage of revenue to Belknap County per HB1442. For additional information go to the Statute page.
How many employees/staff does Gunstock have?
Gunstock employs approximately 60 full-time year-round staff. Approximately 600 full and part-time seasonal staff are employed during the winter operations, and approximately 100 are employed during the summer.
Does Gunstock have any plans to expand the facilities and operations?
As part of a long-term plan to better the guest experience and make Gunstock a more successful business, profits are reinvested in capital expense projects each year. Plans for the year ahead include alpine trail enhancements plus an expansion in snowmaking capabilities for winter 24/25. Gunstock's Campground and summer operations are also scheduled to see improvements this summer.
When does Gunstock make snow?
Snowmaking will occur any time after Mid-November whenever the temperature is below 28F. Gunstock is committed to making snow until there is sufficient depth on all snowmaking trails to remain open despite natural snowfall.
What factors lead to downhill ski operations closing each April?
Generally, lack of participation by skiers is the main reason for closing. Also, providing enough time for the transition from winter to summer seasons is sometimes a factor.
What is the relationship between the Belknap County Delegation and the Gunstock Area Commission?
Each of the five (5) Commissioners are appointed on a rotating basis to a five (5) year term by the Belknap County Delegation.
What is the status of the four (4) ski jumps at Gunstock?
Gunstock has four ski jumps, a 10 meter, 20 meter, 40 meter, and 70 meter structure. The 10m, 20m, and 70m were constructed and opened in 1936. The 40m was completed in 1949.
Jump competitions were popular during the 1930s to the 1970s at this facility. US Olympic Trials were also held here. The last jump event occurred in 1993, with all jumps subsequently becoming unused and falling into disrepair.
Is Gunstock ownership going to change in the future?
There are no plans at present to change ownership of the resort or to change the business model of the facility.